
Wait, so it's not?

A season 5 where everyone's sitting around the penthouse like days of old would be grand.
I wonder how the new season actually did, money-wise, or how you even measure that (new subscribers? what about the ones who subscribed for AD and then quit?). I hope it did well enough that Netflix can offer the cast briefcases

I'll be really impressed if season 5 picks up exactly where this one left off, and continues to call back to plotlines/jokes therein, etc. — if it's clearly designed to be watched right after season 4, with zero acknowledgment of real-world time passing between seasons.

Whoa, I totally thought she played Juliet on Lost, but that was ANOTHER fucking awful blonde actress.

What the hell is Batman compared to Superman? Doesn't anyone basically become super-powered once Superman is on your side?
"Yo, Superman,cover me with your blinding-fast speed, heat-vision, and world-rotating time-travel resurrection abilities. You can just pull me along in this shopping cart while I read Stephen

I've had this complaint for a long time. It bugs me so much, and all they'd have to do was show him, one time, primping himself from a scuffed bottle of hair gel, and maybe another character giving him good-natured shit for it, asking why he carries hair gel during the apocalypse, etc.

I'm back in as well, if only because Andrea is dead.
I can't stand Laurie Holden in anything. Lost, The Shield, Walking Dead — she's a straight-up Show Ruiner.

You can fuck with machetes whilst I'm rolling safely along in my 8-foot pyrex/rubber hamster ball.

I agree. The Gov was the only interesting part of Season 3, and they barely did jack shit with him.

And Scream. I just don't know what to think about Kevin Williamson.

The bit where he sees the giant Toblerone is gold.

I agree. In fact they never should have done the whole heads-in-jars thing at all.


So has anyone watched Fireproof (Cameron's porn-addiction epic from a few years ago)? Is it worth a torrent, just for laughs, or is it a complete waste of time?

I always liked the pharaoh episode.

What a pile. Seriously, this was the worst.

"As the center of the show’s most-elaborate, riskiest sight gag—and someone whose first name is the same as the actor to which that setpiece is an homage—Buster Bluth is tooled for a giant prosthetic hand and screaming juice benders."

Wha? You mean G-M being the Narrator? I always thought it was hinted to be Actual Ron Howard.  
The only pre-season 4 hint I can think of that points to G-M is when he thinks he's going to nail Maeby in the prison cell during the lockdown, and the Narrator says it was the happiest he would ever be in his life.

Meh. It's a Western just like all the other Westerns. Oh, but it was written by the guy from Minus the Bear, or something.

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