
Conan sucks on TBS? I had no idea.

Everyone on the damned site.

Christ imagery is uninspired and lazy and in any case doesn't fit the Superman at all.

Who in hell decided to run this piece the week before Only God Forgives comes out anyway?

No shit! It looks like my uncle made it with SquareSpace.

So The Dissolve is this other site a bunch of AVC writers jumped ship for, or something? What a stupid name. Almost as bad as "Gameological Society"

Your avatar looks like someone pissed themselves.

"Off That" is the bomb.

"Yeah, we cook duck for you."

Dude, a big part of the reason we love Cookie_Monster is because the things he says are interesting. Even if you took away the CM syntax, they would still be interesting. Would what YOU wrote here be worth saying if you weren't doing a schtick?

Let's put up this wall!

Dude, you have to change your avatar. I feel like a rapist is staring at me through Skype and trying to convince me to cut myself.

I thought so too until they fumbled him in one of the very last fucking episodes where I don't even remember the lame gag, but Creed says to the camera "I save a ton on dry-cleaning!"

And he's got the candle that smells like cookies!

There is no end to the awesomeness in these episodes.

@Thats_Unpossible:disqus : One of my favourite things about the UK Office is the way the very first time we meet David, the office is just getting done laughing — actually laughing — at a joke David had made. We just catch the very tail end of it, and then David sees the camera crew and the unfunny, offensive,

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus : There's at least one way Andy as manager made sense: he had an Ivy League education. It sort of echos Ryan being promoted to corporate at the end of season 3.

I think Andy as Frasier Crane would have been ideal, and certainly better than what we got.

This season is a massive televisualar orgasm. Jim and Pam, Michael and Jan, Dwight, Darrell, all perfect.

Like almost everyone, I usually don't care about letter grades.