
You are correct. Interview is a classic.

Came to the comments for Saved by the Bell references. Was not disappointed.

Are you shitting me? Deep is awesome. That synth riff is the size of the universe.

How about Snakes on a Plane? The trailer showed the fucking plane landing on the water!

I can't believe I just read "blergh" in an article someone was paid to write.

What the fuck is an eh reversal?

Demolition Man.

It's a small thing, but I love that they can say "God damn it" and "Jesus Christ" this season.


I liked High Tension back when it was called Intensity.

For another awesomely hysterical Dee Wallace performance see 1986's CRITTERS.

Bub is the shit.

Jesus Christ, the early seasons are going to blow your mind.

"Did you pass gas, Phyllis? It's okay if you did."

Oh God, that whole scene is just awful (in a good way).

This is the correct answer.

These grades are pure balls.

Do they call him "The Superman" in this?

Heh, gay.

Oh, bugger me!