
I assumed Roger had some sort of Jedi mind power that made his costumes effective, and allowed him to have "sex" with humans even though he doesn't have human genitalia.

What was the "ski lift joke", exactly?

That's the goddamned spinoff, right there. Dwight? Jesus.

There were good lines and gags buried in the shitpile that was season 8. I'm willing to bet she was responsible for some of them. I thought she was funnier on here (A.V. Club) than most of Office season 6 and 7 had been; didn't we all, at the time, hence how happy and hopeful we were?

When I see the name Dakota, I always think of the douchebag parents who would give a kid that name, and then I wish ruin on the Dakota in question just so his/her parents will suffer. Is that wrong?

You'll still hear it. It doesn't matter that the show has ended.

Spluh. Season 2.

I would have loved a little Easter egg of a TV in Kevin's bar showing Gabe's mugshot, cutting away quickly, so we're left to wonder: was he the Scranton Strangler?

I think if they were going to do the documentary thing, they should have worked it in over the last few seasons organically. Also the "reunion" should have been a whole season, set a year later (justified however, who gives a shit). Wouldn't that have been nuts?

Michael Scott… IS OLD??

There's been turnover.

The first two seasons are nothing like the UK Office, besides the pilot.

Office Olympics.

For me it was when Jim asked Pam out and Ryan got the corporate job.

@avclub-b078f182da4185126b9a62a6a79e7d6a:disqus : YES! You have hit the nail on the head. There shouldn't have been any sequels; the original was perfect.

He didn't go rogue! He became the best cop ever. I loved when he said "the name's Murphy" at the end of the film, and then it immediately cut to the awesome logo "ROBOCOP".

That's fucking terrible. It looks too human, if you catch my drift; it looks like it was designed to be a suit.

Well it didn't directly villainize the actual Detroit PD, did it? Just OmniCorp, etc.

So's your mother.

I love The Convict.