
Why are you sorry?

Someone needs to graffito that on there at some point along the way.

I dunno, music where it sounds like the guy has a beard and maybe the video takes place in the woods and has a horse.

Is it just me, or are all Stone Temple Pilots songs about date rape/kidnapping/dealing with a girl's corpse?

Yes! Sitting in some nice office, and he makes a dumb joke, but then we hear genuine laughter from his co-workers off-screen. That would be choice.

Guys — does the title of this show have an exclamation point or not?

See, "David Adkins"! It's a perfectly lovely name!

My prediction:

Also the butt-hurt nerd in me thinks they squandered a grand opportunity to portray Roger's home planet and to reveal more about his race.

Compared to the pure insane awesomeness of episodes like Rapture's Delight, the plot was standard fare (as others have said, it seemed like a sub-par Futurama premise). And compared to the constant transcendently funny moments of recent episodes and seasons, the gags were lazy and without edge.

Honestly, I don't think he'd be seen as such a joke if he just used his real name. I mean, Sinbad? That's already a thing! Why does he deserve the name?

No way! The plot was half-baked and the jokes were uninspired. Wait and see!

I don't think they were insufferable, exactly, but the threat of sexual violence hung heavy over them all.

I didn't like it either. The comparison to sub-par Futurama is spot-on.

I was very disappointed that we didn't get to see Roger's planet, and we didn't learn anything new about his race. Also the jokes were poor, and The Majestic was a shite character, just awful.
I know we're all happy to have AD back, and this was an ambitious episode, but I predict when TV Club Classic revisits AD in

I like you more than the writers.

American Dad can't be that old. I was an adult when it came out, for Christ's sake!

I enjoy "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows".

But in the old days they would have come up with something good…

O God, watching those old episodes makes me so sad. The amount of wit and heart they have compared to today's output is Simpsonsesque.