Roy Fokker

Perhaps in MakeMartz1999 world there is no redemption, but in my own personal 'film actor judgement and morals guide' making a bad movie is not that big of a deal.

I'm still a little leery after Batman.

My point is that it is pretty easy to pick and choose songs from a bands entire catalog, especially one that is only four or five albums, and stick it on one compilation CD.

One can fit like two or three album's worth of songs on a compilation CD, so that's not really surprising.

Really. A 20-something lady sleeps with a bunch of self-absorbed assholes? Why is this an interesting story? It will be just as bad as the 'all the crazy girls I hooked up with' trope that the dudes talk of.

I will wait for the "reboot"
I'm sure, like five or ten years from now that the same story with the freshest youngest talent will be even better!

A lot of people have been ass-king about that book.

A TV show's 'historical recreation' is not realistic?!?! Perish the thought.

Jeez. Get over it. I think you'll be okay despite some iffy CGI.

Think it's a Les Paul Jr.

Wait… Rogen smokes pot?!?

Where would the comic-crime-fighter world be without lothario playboys?

Saw him in DC. Was scared.

Rapier-like forum post.

I never much liked any of their recordings after Gary Young was canned (though I understand why they got rid of him. He was nuts).

What?!? Do I see some sarcastic anti-80's backlash?!?

You forgot the classic make-fun-of-the-History-Channel trope: Hitler. Get with the program.

After watching that movie with the wife sometimes I make the 'oooOOOoooOOo" sound in her ear.

^Johnny, you have to use the correct 'your' if you're going to tell the Amazing Kreskin up there about his shitty predictions.

I liked the movie. But I guess it's sort of like how I like a 14 song album (it doesn't have to be on hipster-only vinyl either) even if only 2 songs are really good.