Roy Fokker

*eats truffle-flavored french fry*

If only the Tamil Tiger flag wasn't so cool. And what a neat name! The Shining Path is another cool one! If they were just a football club that would be way better than gun-wielding killers.

Courtney Love hasn't exactly redeemed herself since the article was written.

I can't say that I've looked that hard, but I don't think she's exposed her naked boobs or cooter to the world like some of the other tabloid fodder ladies.

Nov 8, 1972— the day after Nixon was reelected in a landslide.

I am so interested in this amazing personalty trait of yours HipsterD.

Glad you sorted that out Clueless.

The Real Story
If she goes around to all the wing-nut separatist compounds in Alaska she will find the universal truth: guys mainly want to have passionate sex with her.


The judges are the guys that wear "FBI" shirts.

Rite of Passage
I am so happy one of my friends that knew all kinds of things about music pointed me to Big Star in my college days. I think a lot of people, back then (early and mid-90's), heard about Alex Chilton from the Replacements song.

The minor annoyance of dealing with "those people" that don't know Cheap Trick is covering Big Star pales in comparison to the good it did.

If you have the good fortune, as many posters on here have had, to listen to Big Star without any preconceived notions and just enjoy the music for what it is you will be better for it.

Agreed on "Flies on Sherbert."

I blame Porkys. Before that, no teenage girls ever slept with older men.

Perhaps, if they borrow a page from Rocky he will win, even in losing.

Maybe if all you childhood Daniel-sans had painted more fences and waxed more cares under the tutelage of a wise Japanese American maintenance man you wouldn't be complaining as much.

just more proof that American culture is a giant, adorable panda, surrounded by well-wishers, drawn by the cuteness of pandas.

Not until marriage C.O., not until marriage.

IM— I know some ladies like that too. I will be marrying one (well, she didn't see it opening night…).