Roy Fokker

Things go from bad to worse when a poster saying that he or she doesn't like the band of the thread topic feels compelled to explain themselves and their musical likes and dislikes.

It was not meant to be firstie, but I get the punch in the face for the typo fail.

Don't feel bad Scagneti. The fiance and I rent and/or buy stuff for the express purpose of Riff Trax as well.

Joel McHale's Riff Trax with Mike Nelson on Red Dawn is great.
Just sayin'. If you haven't heard that, get on it. Really funny.

He's the Boom King?!?

Gary Young
I wish it was with their fist drummer, though I realize he is/was nuts.

Needs bread
I'd put that thing in a baguette… with some ketchup… and have two or three days worth of food.

I guess I am a medium fan. I've seen them a number of times and have most of their albums, yet I never seem to get caught up in the long songs. I feel like it mostly has to do with my personal taste of liking "pop" songs. I like hooks and melodies, and I really like some of the ones Yo La Tengo has come up with over

I think if you broke down hater columns by subject matter dear Gwen would be pretty high on the "most frequently hated on" list.

Please. Oprah had you with that free LCD TV two years ago.

I am from DC— "the south" to people north of me, and "the north" to people in the south. Generally just considered to be full of political jerks ruining America and/or black people.

What is her birthing routine like?
I bet at this point those little babies come out like they're on a water slide.

Again, they are on VH1 Classic.

I dunno. I find that sort of stab at irony pretty off-putting. Like a serpent of suck eating its own tail.

I've been dreaming of a Donald Duck/Silver Surfer crossover. Now it might finally happen!

I ditched mainstream comics before they even formed a real band.

Stupid gone wild
If he did more dissolves he'd totally win. That really peps up a powerpoint presentation.

The co-founders now have two tickets to paradise.

Lizze (bassist from Pouting Tarty Hipster) has a really good vinyl-only single that she put out with Xavier, the drummer for Slouching Bearded Dude.

Thread Forum Naval Gazing
I guess this passed me by, as I find most of it annoying. We all missed a movie, band, book, or whatever. It doesn't seem that interesting, nor does going "WHAT?!?! How could you have missed or never enjoyed that thing and not have it rock your world?!?!?"