Roy Fokker

I didn't say which sex the nerd was, figuring a Xena statue would have some crossover appeal.

Maybe it's Fran Drescher?

Notice there isn't a Lucy Lawless one available. That's already in some rich nerds closet covered in god-knows-what.

With couch he's easily six feet tall.

You should name him [your dog] "Shithead."

The answer!
I will just boil the bacon before I fry it.

Arcade Fire? What does that have to do with anything?

Mortal Kombat was strangely enjoyable to me. Street Fighter however, was not, nor was Mortal Kombat II. I always avoided the Uwe Boll movies however…

Is that your cousin Stacy? She's actually good. It's like RIVERDANCE over there.

Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are both awesome, and they work for most people who are not familiar with, or necessarily fans of, anime.

My movie channel sweep is HDNet, IFC, TMC, FMC, and Sundance. I have HBO too… but that was just for FotC.

I think the people that complain about lame lists are just as bad as the lists.

FMC is usually playing some tripe, but now and again they come up with something cool. For me that is "Big Trouble in Little China."

I'm really tired of the FSC commercial cycle. At least GolTV has most of their ads in Spanish.

Better with Cats
I don't normally go in for all that Cats vs. Dogs crap, but I'd like to think that cats, with their claws and all, wouldn't put up with this nonsense.

Crap. Sorry guys.

I like it.
But quickly reading the post, I thought it was Brittany Spears.

Where does this rank on the Hate-o-Meter
Or should I say the tolerability index?

Yeah fuckface… take it easy.

Like I said earlier, I could say all that same sort of crap about Conor Oberst and Colin Meloy, but even when this sort of thing is discussed in a civil manner, all of my perceived "insights" are just my stupid, arbitrary opinions, and it is really just an act of self ego-stroking. I'm not ever going to convince their