
I can handle Philosopher's Stone but I will keep the rest of these in mind as things to AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Ugh full metal jacket…

God, that scene was an unwelcome surprise. After having been traumatized by Spirited Away's parent-to-pig transformation at around age 6, I wasn't expecting that I'd have to face that particular fear again any time soon. Then when I was around 9 or 10 I watched Willow at a sleepover (my friend said it it was great and

You are clearly forgetting the flying monkeys, the most terrifying part of the film and of my early childhood.

Seconded. I went to see it with my Grannie when I was eleven. The play ended just as I was walking up the aisle to leave, having reached my breaking point.

I'm the same, totally unfazed by insects in real life, I'm always the one to go ahead and grab the large spider between my fingers and throw it in the sink when my family/friends are jumping back in fear and disgust. However, that scene was viscerally disgusting and horrifying. The really bad part for me was the one

For me it was Spirited Away. I was six when my dad took my little sister and I to see it. I absolutely lost it at the scene where the girl finds her parents turned into pigs, and ran out of the theatre crying, refusing to go back and forcing my dad and sister to miss the rest of the film. I had nightmares for months

The colour palette of a film can often ruin a film for me in the sense that I can apreciate what else is good about it but it just feels wrong if the colour palette doesn't fit the movie. Its such a small aspect but it pervades the whole goddamn film and when its wrong it can be so distracting. The colouring for Harry

Hint - it's love!

Music: Fiona Apple. I will follow her to the ends of the Earth, and when/if she releases another album I will buy it on CD so that I may proudly display it in my collection along with all of her other albums.
Film: Richard Linklater. I eagerly anticipate whatever he is planning next, and though his track record is not

What is an EFF?

It was Heart's Magic Man.

I heard 'sommalier.'

Monica Bellucci, Eva Green, Christina Hendricks, Dita von Teese, Lara Stone, Danielle Haim, Anna Calvi, Iggy Azalea, I could go on….

I tip my hat to you.

Its definitely one of my favourites too, though I've only watched it a couple times. I don't think any other film has had such an emotional impact on me. I went to see this with my family when I was 13 and it had me sobbing throughout the second half and absolutely bawling for a good half hour after it was over. It

I'm from DT Toronto and loved it. Those others are clearly from Etobicoke.

I agree last year was excellent as well.

I predict that this will not be the last time that my not watching South Park will cause me embarrassment on The AV Club.

I applaud you for Dances with Smurfs.