
Ah, that would make sense. Thank you.

Ostensibly, Don was reading a James Bond compendium. At least that's what I heard Megan say when she got in to bed. "Ian Fleming"

Wow, I never thought of it that way. You're right, what is up with that? Maybe the other colors are getting too expensive to use, or, they've joined the color union and now they have it put into their contracts that only a certain color may be used at a certain time. (Sorry for the silliness, I just liked the thought) 

I saw John Carter and thoroughly enjoyed it. Yes, they spent a lot of money on it, and Disney probably won't make it all back in the short term, but unlike a few other flops, this one could, if they were willing, be a good franchise, they just need to market it better. Way better than the Green Lantern. Not to mention

Anyone ever teach you latin?

The argument can be made for many things
First I want to say that I got to witness the filming of Short Circuit 2 in Toronto because my dad helped design some of the software they used for Johnny Five in the movie.
Second, clearly George Lucas doesn't like to account for other people, and he should never have been

I agree, why is it such a shock to characters when someone they've known for years tells them they've lied about something in the past? If we reacted the way they do in real life no one would get anything done.

Telling Stories
Though Walters story is definately a head trip, there really are people out there who still tell stories to children. They use people they know and everything. That's what makes the story more engaging. Not just for the kid, but for the adult as well.
Taking reality and messing with it was a great way