
Were they buying wine in a supermarket? Because you definitely can't do that in Pennsylvania, thanks to backwards liquor laws.

Wrong episode title
I meant to say Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom.

I love this show
I don't care what anyone says about the addition of Danny DeVito, the show is still great. Both of tonight's episodes were really funny. Also, one of the funniest episodes last season, Charlie Gets Cancer, could not have existed if Dennis and Dee's parents not been introduced to the show.

How about instead of giving him another show, they decide to not cancel Deadwood in the first place?

I hate to nitpick, but…
…isn't it MacDowell (like Macbeth)?

fourth and last?
If the thing about Laura Dern is true, then we'll have all the stars of the original reprising their roles in separate movies. So we should be done then, right? Please?

Oh no you didn't
European Vacation is funny. If you're going to hate on Chevy Chase (probably deservedly, considering his more recent output), at least pick a bad movie of his.

air horns
I'm guessing that since it's based on self-injury, there won't be a "honk air horns at people about to hit golf balls and then explain that you are doing it because you have bursitis" part, which is really too bad.

Does anyone else think the girl leaning forward looks Photoshopped in? Something about her head looks weird and out of place compared to the others.