No doubt in my mind that group consists of 1406 dudes who joined just to make fun of the guy who started it.
No doubt in my mind that group consists of 1406 dudes who joined just to make fun of the guy who started it.
I hear Sasha Grey is supposed to get tag-teamed by Lexington Steele and Don Cheadle.
HST's 'fear and loathing' of Nixon was goddamned prolific. I challenge anyone to find another writer or artist of any kind who put more effort into expressing their contempt for one specific person or thing. And the best part is, nearly every sentence of it is absolutely hysterical.
I guess this movie wasn't significant enough to make this list (I'm not complaining, just admitting it wasn't significant), but when I saw John Cusack's name I couldn't help but think of The Ice Harvest, where he buys his kids Christmas gifts at the gas station.