Danny Elfman Fangirl

New pic of 24 year old Danny..um, wow….
Good lord, thank you to whoever brought this to my attention! This photo warrants a thread. That's got to be the world's prettiest chest hair….man, Danny young enough to date…..

Dad: "Listen, you little SHIT!!!"
(Hoo boy, here we goooo….)

OT: Today was one of the worst days in my life
Wow, where do I start with this one? Just..wow. So today started out perfectly normal ,with me going in to cashier until 6:45. It ended with me getting yelled at at work (AGAIN, see my first OT thread) , and then being screamed at at home. My emotional state right now…is

And the reason why I'm "doing this" is because the word of Danny's hotness needs to be spread…. acknowledgment of this undisputable Gospel fact is sorely lacking around the internet.

Believe me, I could. I've seen him live in his prime, crawling around on all fours during the encore. The man is an untamed sex beast.

The perfect male body
Danny's body is perfection. I just had to throw that out there. Everything we've seen is perfect, including his inner thigh in the Nothing Bad Ever Happens video (stupid useless towel). If what we can see is so perfect, it makes you wonder how perfect what we CAN'T see is.

Danny's chest hair

You know, the thing about Little Girls…
We can yell at the idiots who say the song is about pedophilia and tell them that it's about Danny being disgusted with men who date way younger women. That's good and fine, but then you realize that Danny spent a year or so banging a 21 year old chick (Tiffany). Lucky little

What if Danny was in….PlayGirl?
Just a thought =]

Did you guys see this yet?
I just found this. And realized that I've never heard Danny speaking that young. He sounds so different. I'm still trying to figure out why on earth he wore those glasses, lol. I guess he knew that he was so awesome that he could wear and do whatever the heck he wanted. http://www.youtu

Or maybe my post was too big, so I separated it into chunks? Ever think of that, genius?

I have enough damn problems at home to deal with without this shit going on at work. I've had sinus problems for the last year that had the doctors stumped. And now my healthcare situation is so bad that I can't go to try more medications or see a specialist. So I'm sitting here with my head POUNDING and hurting

Now, surprise! I'm told that they're switching supervisors around. Me and all the other cashiers could very well be stuck with this one supervisor named Corrinne who is a bitch extraordinare. She not only "looks like she pulls wings off butterflies" (as my mom said), she actually acts like it too. If she's my new

I am honestly FLABBERGASTED by this. I ALWAYS make a point to be nice to my guests. I treat people the way I want to be treated, BOTTOM LINE. I may not talk a lot to the guests, but I try to make up for it by having a friendly tone. Admittedly, I have a grumpy face. So does my dad. I CAN'T HELP IT. It's because

OT: I'm in shock right now
This is off topic, but I need to vent wherever I can right now. I'm on the brink of being fired from my cashier job at Target. I am seriously in shock over this. I never saw it coming. I just got off "probation" only about two weeks ago, if that. That was for an entirely different

Here's an interesting saying I just
Here's an ineteresting saying I just heard. I wonder if it applies to Danny, hehe. "The redder the head, the better in bed." lol