Why hello there
Gay, straight, it doesn't matter as long as you can get it up after karaoke-ing the shit out of "It's De-Lovely"
Why hello there
Gay, straight, it doesn't matter as long as you can get it up after karaoke-ing the shit out of "It's De-Lovely"
I thought she was saying it to be hip and ironically funny
shut up
Yeah, you're really not. There has to be a "way" to be a feminist, otherwise everyone's a feminist. Is Sarah Palin a feminist? Oh shit, a video game!
Yes, people who watch terrible reality shows and are fascinated by the train wreck that is modern celeb pop culture are clearly far inferior to the intellectual A.V. club commenter with a Butthead icon. Point taken, sir.
I think the narrative of the show tries to present Young as the earnest young (ha!) dude with a message and talent. I think the bitter people watching the show (I include myself in that category, I am bitter and want to rip down everything Lola has made) see that and think "Ugh, what a manipulative pretentious jerk,"…
I like Michelle but she has some serious blind spots in her work. I think the way Kymia approaches the process makes her a shoe-in, but that would mean that the judges are sane, which does not appear to be true. I'm horrifically biased though, I've dug everything she's done, even the stuff I didn't like conceptually…
But the show doesn't present him that way - that's how you (and many) viewers feel, but the judges - some of whom are also executive producers, right? - go on and on about the merits of his work. So it doesn't really follow that your take on how "Young the character" fits into the narrative you've described is the…
OMG frantically going back and editing my comments that are critical of you. lol j/k.
This is exactly it. Young seems quite smart when he's talking about art and his ideas. But his actual execution is always so shallow. I don't know if he's just got it figured out how to go the safest route possible to please the judges or if he's totally sincere and there's just a disconnect between his ability to…
Yeah, and I think that's why in a lot of ways the younger artists seem to do well on the show. They aren't as far removed from art school days as established people with real careers in their 30s and 40s. It's basically just an extension of art school (not even at the graduate level). That's kind of why I like it,…
I imagine cancer mom is going to Korea to visit all her relatives you know, before she dies. Not really particularly incongruous, that.
I thought the judges (and our reviewer here) read a lot more into her work than anything she said on TV. She didn't say anything about it being a critique of the way photojournalism interacts with these stories: she thought those plucky Libyans were pretty cool for fighting even though their weapons sucked. That's…
Wish I could say I wanted to see this because I have a deep appreciation for Von Treir's films but really I just want to see the hot vampire guy.
IDK, he gave the best response as to why Bayeté's first piece was horrible, something none of the other judges seemed able to do well. I often think he succiently explains why pieces suck, and that's good enough for me, although his Facebook comment was beyond stupid. To me it seemed stupidly out of character,…
We need more gossip than this, dude.
nah, you're dumb. whether all men are 'pervs' or not he's kind of repeatedly sexually harassing the women around him (and that doesn't include the consensual flirting with Lola which still makes me wanna vom) and that isn't honesty. in a workplace setting it would be grounds for a lawsuit. but hey don't like your…
Given that Prop 8 was a ballot measure from 2008 I don't think it had significantly more relevance in April of 2011 than October 2011. Whereas with the Charile Sheen stuff that's actually a good point to make.
Yeah I was fucking astounded that it won, it was horrible, although reviewer is right on that the "interactive" aspect of it guaranteed the dumbass judges would shit themselves over its brilliance. I hated agreeing with Lola about this, but her bitchy comments were 100% correct.
Late to this (catching up) but this is a very smart, serious response to a comment that was basically "Don't make fun of the show I like, and I like the show because of hot girls and the fact that I think artists are inherently cool."