
I like the show but everything you said about it makes me wish I hated it because I don't want to ever share an opinion with you.

Not really.  It was madness for a cruise ship chef to try to compete at all.  People don't go to cook at cruise ships because they're top-notch chefs.

I really wanted to like her at first because she seemed smart and capable but yeah, she's come across as the season has gone on as increasingly annoying.  And surprisingly Ugly-Americanish for someone who boasts about how well-traveled she is.

I was glad that Ernie was finally a lot better at something than her.  Dude seems alright, he needs a confidence boost, instead of "OMG Cindy is so driven and so good at everything."

Jesus christ no.  I'd have to read 3 paragraphs about the psycho-social implications of one of the chef's protein choices.  Fuck that.

Athiests seem to have a hard time understanding the complexities and differences within various religions.  I know LOTS of actively religious people, including myself, who don't believe that our religion is the "only true religion".  That's kind of like asserting that all religious people believe their religious texts

I liked their first reveal of being into Jesus actually - it made them more interesting than stoner-surfer/snowboarder dudes.  I liked the proverbs they had on their packs.  It was the bullshit "One True God" and "It's pretty clear in the Bible" non-thinking answers that made them really unlikable to me.  And yes, I

It's better than what most of Europe does, refusing subtitles and insisting on horrible dubs of the worst American product.

I don't know.  The portrayal of art students was a bit over the top, but I also think people in art school are so used to being surrounded by other artists that they have no idea how they sound to people on the "outside".  I thought the comedy was broad but still accurate enough to be funny.

I think it was a movie with some great scenes and great potential, yeah, that was ultimately a mess.  But it is fucking hilarious for the very tiny percentage of the population that was stupid enough to go to art school (like me!).

I met Clowes at the Alternative Press Expo and he came off as rather taciturn.  I excitely told him that we lived in the same city, and he says rather sharply, "Where?"  I'm like, "Uh, Grand Lake district."  He says "Where?"  I'm like "Right near Lakeshore Ave."  He's like "Where?" I finally gave him my fucking

Hey, that was half of an excellent movie.  I've never seen a more accurate or funnier send-up of art school.  Sure the second half was an unmitigated disaster, but John Malkovitch's bitter professor almost makes up for it.

Yeah, as much I respect Oz for his voicing and contributions to the characters he performed, the guy has a really spotty record as an entertainer or as a predictor of what won't suck.  Because most of the films he's directed are mediocre at best or outright terrible.  And I say this as someone who thinks his "Little

If the hipsters can ruin muppets for you, you were never really for the muppets.  GTFO.

It's pretty weird when you're quoting something from my childhood that I remember but I don't remember what it's from and oh my god this is going to keep me up all night.

Yeah, that's what I don't get.  There is no "Muppet mythos" or anything.  We know that 1) they're performers, in SHOW-BIZ and 2) they're a big wacky dysfunctional family and 3) Piggy loves Kermit.  That's really all that's been consistent about the Muppets in terms of their history.

Disney has been good for the Muppets for uh, decades.  (The linked article doesn't explain the Disney timeline very well).  Disney had control of the Muppets immediately after Henson's death vis a vis a deal NEGOGIATED BY HENSON.  Which is why they produced "The Muppets 3-D" film shown at Disney parks (until

And let's not forget the terrifying rendition of "School's Out For Summer" with giant monster muppets prancing around in childrens' clothing.  Yeah, The Muppet Show has always been pretty fucking weird.

Perhaps it is just my weak woman's heart that makes me unable to fathom the utter disappointment that the fanboys feel about a kickass kung fu sci-fi story ending up being a rumination on love and spirituality.  Because that's exactly what I like about the sequels - and why I am 90% on board with the BSG ending

I agree, except I'm one of those weirdos who kinda likes both sequels (and oddly enough I like "Revolutions" a lot more than "Reloaded").  No, they're not nearly as good as the first, which was just so well-crafted in terms of effiency and story-telling that it's fucking amazing.  But man do I get tired of nerds