
She got a little huffy with Freddie Lounds, so that was a little something something.

Let freedom reign, or ring, or rein or whatever

Good to see you again - Cousin John sends his regards

Will can only do his thing after flicking on the "windshield wipers of light" for a quick wipe or two.

As fine a pair as ever… broken and entered…

You know Dude, I myself dabbled with atheism at one point. Not in 'Nam, of course…

The jarring incongruousness is the point of the music. This is a funny movie and the 6-plink-7-plunk music over the opening credits helps set the tone, and is just one of the many things that work well in this underrated movie. Mark it "Interview With The Vampire" meets "F Troop".

Very nice review, Rabes
And let's not forget, let's NOT forget - lobsters, the obligatory bird-poop sequence, within the city, uhh…

"Hang out indefinitely"?
I agree with Tobes 9 times out of 10, so I guess "KU" is one of those #10's.

Dear Pizzaboi
"Even though it's called a rage virus, you don't necessarily have to rage against anything."

Dear Smartass
"This. Is. A. MOVIE."

Code Red
The least they could have done was let him do a Craig-T-Nelson-esque slamming of his hand down on the control room table when he gave the "Code Red" order.

"Rage" virus?
Oh, and I did see the movie last night and liked it. Carlyle was great, and I thought Jeremy Renner was good also.

"Rage" virus?
"…the only purpose of a virus is to replicate and perpetuate itself. thus, causing its victims to turn on each other would be self-defeating in the evolutionary sense."

"Rage" virus?
That's a good and plausible explanation, Ed. I still don't think it overcomes the whole, "How 'enraged' can you really be if you've still got enough sense to limit your raging to uninfecteds?" thing, which I still regard as a flaw, but that's just my perception.

"Rage" virus?
(sorry about the "qdw" post - I don't know what happened there)


"Rage" virus?
Thank you Ed, for your "My Unsubstantiated Guess" post, in which you suggest a possible answer to the "Why don't the infected 'rage' on each other?" question.

"Rage" virus?
This is my concern, Dude. If it's a "rage virus," then why don't the infected "rage" on each other?

The Party Animal