
Yeah, this. Ted also made some comment about how it wasn't a celebration upon entry.

although Daydream Nation is my #1, the opening of 'Schizophrenia/Catholic Block' wins this one for me

And how exactly do you justify (presumably, willing to eat crow here if I'm wrong) voting for Obama with that so-called liberal conscience of yours in the face of drone strikes and dead Pakistani children?

And how exactly do you justify (presumably, willing to eat crow here if I'm wrong) voting for Obama with that so-called liberal conscience of yours in the face of drone strikes and dead Pakistani children?

Some discussion of Sonic Youth would have been interesting, considering the circumstances (at least The Big D-Word One) surrounding their probably-for-good breakup. Plus, they were the preeminent alt-rock elder statesmen for my money when they split, having been around for 30 years, with great works throughout all