Angry Cat

but if an elephant were to somehow have access to a camera's shutter, the resulting prints would be worth millions.

(Self indulgent film school graduate post:)

You can still get a high definition telecine transfer from 35mm film (upon which The Wire was shot). There is more than enough detail in film to get a true HD resolution

Having heard Spike Lee give a lecture in person, I can attest to him being one of the most reasonable men I've heard on the subject of race. I think he gets distorted in the media, as the article touches upon, because he makes a point to talk about racial problems when most people want to pretend they don't exist. I

That reminds me
I left my ipod in Buffalo last summer. let me know if you've seen it.

I liked it better when it was called Atlas Shrugged

Digital isn't all bad. Slumdog Millionaire won an Oscar for digital cinematography (for what that's worth), and arguably the best living DP, Roger Deakins, has now made the switch to the digital Arri Alexa for Andrew Niccol's new movie, "Now." Deakins says it actually has better color reproduction and more latitude

fair enough. I've only seen a couple of episodes of Twin Peaks. I think my dislike of him as an actor stems from really only Blue Velvet (which I went into expecting to like, but hated instead, by the way).

Oh, and I don't know what he sees in Kyle Maclachlan. That guy is not a leading man.

While I can't vouch for 3rd Prize's credibility on the matter, I am happy to see Lynch get taken down a peg or two. He's horribly overrated. and blue velvet was awful. My sole enjoyment of that movie has been being able to quote Dennis Hopper's lines with my girlfriend, but that doesn't exactly make for a classic.

The King's Beej

Depending on when you want to define it:

As a Tucson resident, I am not exactly a fan of the law. Luckily for me I don't care about any of these musical acts I guess.

That 15% income tax probably doesn't pay for any of that health care