Angry Cat

Considering that Netflix has a hard enough time streaming 720p, I wouldn't get your hopes up about seeing all those extra k's of pixels just yet

Considering that Netflix has a hard enough time streaming 720p, I wouldn't get your hopes up about seeing all those extra k's of pixels just yet

maybe that's also part of the joke. and also, it's backstory and a chance to do something different/fun with the characters, not a pointless gimmick.

maybe that's also part of the joke. and also, it's backstory and a chance to do something different/fun with the characters, not a pointless gimmick.

i replied to the wrong thing but whatever.  you're completely right.

i replied to the wrong thing but whatever.  you're completely right.

I wish this was a selling point to more people.  The man  is a living legend.  I'm already convinced that even if the story, acting, or direction suck I will enjoy this movie by simply staring at the sumptuous visuals (and masturbating, obviously).

I wish this was a selling point to more people.  The man  is a living legend.  I'm already convinced that even if the story, acting, or direction suck I will enjoy this movie by simply staring at the sumptuous visuals (and masturbating, obviously).


Ugh. The A.V. Club knows exactly how to keep me from being productive by milking as many articles as they can from the things I like.  I'm not complaining, because it's obviously great stuff, but it's almost disturbing that I'm powerless to not read it.

Ugh. The A.V. Club knows exactly how to keep me from being productive by milking as many articles as they can from the things I like.  I'm not complaining, because it's obviously great stuff, but it's almost disturbing that I'm powerless to not read it.

@avclub-7d26c14b4a096a0afc48154974c4b7d6:disqus No, I'm afraid not.  I'm sorry for your sister.  That's a pretty shitty thing to have happen

@avclub-7d26c14b4a096a0afc48154974c4b7d6:disqus No, I'm afraid not.  I'm sorry for your sister.  That's a pretty shitty thing to have happen

well shit. sorry to hear about that. I can relate to being duped by a long con, though it's not nearly as devastating as your story is.  Still, it was a key turning point in my life.  When I was a freshman in high school I lived in a tiny community comprised mostly of retirees.  My family was devoutly religious (my

well shit. sorry to hear about that. I can relate to being duped by a long con, though it's not nearly as devastating as your story is.  Still, it was a key turning point in my life.  When I was a freshman in high school I lived in a tiny community comprised mostly of retirees.  My family was devoutly religious (my

no, dickhead. sex

no, dickhead. sex

she was pretty good looking in Three Kings…I'll show myself out

she was pretty good looking in Three Kings…I'll show myself out

I was amused only because the actor looks bizarrely similar to a good friend of mine, but yeah it's pretty terrible.