
Question to Powers That Be
Okay, it's been a week and there are only 9 comments here. At what point does lack of reader interest (or lack of apparent interest at any rate) qualify a show to be dropped? I hope it's not a consideration, because I still love certain characters on this show and would be sad if you were

and by "her" of course I mean Jaslene. I just re-read that and noticed it sounded sort of ambiguous.

CariDee. Heh heh…

Tyra is evil
God, what a bitch! How DARE someone not worship her for this incredible opportunity she's come down from her throne to give them? I always thought she was crazy, but the passive-aggressive tension in that brief moment when she executed Ebony was just incredible. It was up until now a slow slide into

if you even dare feel bad about thinking Taylor is a bitch, I'm going to send her to cook all your meals for you for the rest of your life!

either a troll or an idiot
First, if this were a review, it might ought to adhere to some higher level of journalistic integrity. But this isn't a review. It's about ideas, and this is absolutely the discussion the producers want us to be having. It's almost as if they've given us our own pioneer diary that says,

car note
Loved the gag with the note on the car. Why should he have a thing for Andi? There's your reason right there.

apparently yes, I was the only one.

Celebrity Crosstalk?
I'd love to see a Crosstalk feature with him and anybody else, discussing the adaptations of children's books into glossy films. I think we know how a regular AV Club version would go, but to get the perspective of people actually involved would be a great read.

Nathan & Matt's Bogus Journey
was I the only one who thought that Nathan & Matt, after their private-hell headtrips, were going to say "dude, we gotta play the Reaper!"

I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't more diversity. Like, I was hoping for a kick-ass jug band. No, seriously! No, I'm not kidding!

no you din't
a little tear that you accused Crowded House of being a middlebrow-indie music cue.

I've only been on a strip-club crawl once (thankfully…those places are skeevy), but I must admit to being to many an adult bookstore. I've heard 'Sex (I'm A…)' plenty of times, along with many other obvious songs. But the one thing I heard once that always sticks in my head was '(What if God Was) One of Us'.