
Fair enough, I missed the memory thing later on. Still think it was a bit funny :-)

I've tried to post this a couple of times already but Disqus is being a dick so apologies if it turns up 10 times.

Favourite Cas characters:

Argh!! Completely forgot about that Metatron line!

Agreed. Would hate for Crowley to disappear!

I was expecting a good 'un from Ben Edlund and I think he didn't disappoint.

'Castiel has always been the angel version of Che Guevara' - awesome. I also loved that!

I've been taken in by Crowley's charm! I'm a sucker for the typical baddies like Azazel or Lilith.

Sam and Dean need to give Metatron Chuck's SPN book series!!

Jizzmopper You mentioned that Men of Letters/predestination theory last week and I did find it really interesting; it's very subtle, but has major reverberations on the story.

I'd happily suspend disbelief for the return of original Meg… Best.Meg.Ever.

Having a heavy stone tablet hidden inside you = uncomfortable.

Question: (I may have just missed this)

It's weird how much I love the MOL batcave, considering the original premise of the show was centered around two nomadic Impala-dwelling guys.

I had no idea what a low-budget purgatory would look like so I thought the crazy forrest of doom was a pretty good idea.

Before I say this, let it be known that my criticisms come from a place of irrational love for Supernatural… That's why I think it grates when I read Phil's reviews; you can feel the lack of love for SPN! Maybe he's become embittered because of some of the comments here.

I was actually hoping that Dean and Cas would bump into Dick Roman in purgatory - it seemed like it would be on the cards.

She's often entertaining so this may be harsh, but does anyone else think that Suburgatory is way funnier when Tessa is relegated to a supporting character?

(Any excuse to post this clip…) Dean might need coffee as he's mentioned a couple of times that he only gets four hours sleep!

A question: Do other hunters know about Sam and Dean's reputation? Especially, their involvement with the apocalypse and booting out the leviathans.