
Re: Bobby being an alcoholic - completely agree with you. It's been mentioned a few times, including him being 'the town drunk' and it always sticks out to me. He did drink a lot, but was never incapacitated, troublesome etc

I'd actually quite like to see Kevin at the batcave, but I think Sam and Dean are enjoying having their own badass pad after living on the road. Why ruin their perfect hideaway with annoying kids hanging around?

Yeah, I really liked that moment! I wonder if there's a first aid book somewhere in the batcave…

I actually thought hunter school could have been an interesting thing to have in the background of the SPN universe - I always enjoy it being padded out a little bit. Although, Charles Xavier and the kids were completely cringeworthy so it probably would have grated…

That's an interesting point losechester… I didn't consider why the tablet responded to his touch…

Maybe I'm a bit late on this thread, but…

I was waiting for a callback to the fact that Archer was actually born in Tangier. He does know that, right? I'm pretty sure Malory told him…

Loved the episode! I don't even know where to start on some of Phil's blunders so I won't…