
That Ending
I remember at the time advertisements lauding that it received standing ovations, that people left the theater cheering.

Did EVERYBODY have those? I just watched that Movie the other day, too. Hmm. You joke about China, but it's not like they don't have experience with altering child development.

I appreciate this take on it, which is why I really quite enjoyed the much-maligned parallels regarding it. Everything on the show is allegorical, not a direct representation of something. A similar topic can be used for more than one thing. I didn't like it when it was fresh, but viewing it in perspective really

Do you own the OWMF soundtrack? Because I do, oh yes I do. I like the ending to The Parking Ticket. It doesn't really get heard in the episode. Those little segues were great, I wish there had been more of those and fewer ballads. Also, Spike is awesome. That is all.

I've only really heard him on WTF, but I've quite enjoyed him there. His manner of speaking is engaging, and he seems ready to jump off with any topic.

doody doody doody doody doody doody

Me too. Although I find reason to think that line often.

I'm enjoying it, even though I feel like I'm not supposed to or something. Although at this point I feel a little stupid being emotionally affected by these characters in the early seasons. By this point we all should know that the Big Scary Threat eventually becomes Goofy Comic Relief more often than not.

There's a lot of his stuff on youtube on his own channel, including the complete "What I Should Have Said Was Nothing" DVD. I like everybody else first really got familiar with him through TAL, and the rest of his stuff is great, too.

I was around so much good music, and aware it was all out there, just too stupid to pay attention or appreciate the greater context. I had friends into Femmes, Primus, NWA, etc etc… Hell, I didn't even like Paul's Boutique, even after loving License to Ill! I was still mostly stuck on classic rock, Billy Joel, and

I went to the local chain record store hosted by the local generic rock/classic-rock station to buy UYI I&II at midnight the day they were released. I even got a free neon-pink tshirt out of it.

Ah said… put… the bunny… back… in the box.

It's hard for me to watch Firefly because I know there's just so little of it.

I tried waiting, I really really did, but I got caught up on S1&2 a couple of weeks ago, and Season 3 was just SITTING there, waiting to be watched, and now I'm more than half-way through. Oh so much fun.