

I enjoyed the movie, although it differs a bit from the book.  In good ways, I think.  Great performances by everybody.  It's a subtle, casual film.  It's not Fight Club.

#2 has really grown on me through the years, viewing it as the episodic wacky hijinks of Doc Brown & Kid McFly.  It sets up everything in #3.  Plus, I really dig Brown's "well, it is what it is, let's roll with it" attitude.

This was one of the most confusing and enjoyable episodes yet this season.  I know we're all tired of Sam/Ron, but that's the drama that fuels this beast.  Their cycle of love/hate is accelerated to the point of pure absurdity at this point.  They've given up having even a smidgen of self-awareness.

Yeah, I noticed that too.  Ugh.

It's not okay.  It's NOT okay.

I agree with it.

As someone with a fondness for post-production, I agree.  The editors are what make this show, and they're why I watch it.  They definitely don't get enough credit.

I think Snooki's denial on the phone was the first time she said they hadn't hooked up.  Up 'til then it seemed like she was mainly concerned with his revelation of this information, not that he was lying.  I think Mike's telling the truth on this one.

Agreed.  Put out by Disney, no less!

Didn't they say she was the boss last week, when she was all, "I never get to go out and be the enforcer"?  I can't bring myself to re-watch it, but I thought they basically said she was higher on the food-chain than the dude making the threats.

Agreed.  By this point, the show is a cartoon on fast-forward.  Just relax and run with it.

Did anybody notice that the smiley-face written on the zig-zag packet was *sideways*?


I agree. I know this show isn't getting very many comments, but I'm loving the continued coverage, and I think this season's writeups are so far top-notch. Finally, a reviewer who's on our side!

I started watching this show last year specifically because of these write-ups. Now I earnestly love it.

What about Sammi? Are her breasts bigger? I was always too busy being blinded by her perpetual scowl to take many notes on them, but I thought I heard another cast member comment on them.

Isn't this the kind of thing they want you to do with their template? Why contribute to the corporate-generated meme? I hope you're getting advertising revenue for this.

Who cares? Really?

So…. there *IS* stuff as awesome as the jailbreak scene, or what? Because that was killer, start to finish.