Sentient Beard

Buddy, you need to watch MacGruber.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated that movie.

On the other other hand, Deadpool's CGI scars looked pretty damn real too.

And hottest!

That old coke-hound?

I'm gonna refer you to NBC's division of Making It 1997 Again Through Science Or Magic.


Mother of God, I'm reading a 4-year-old comment about a podcast episode I've never even heard, and I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.

Mother of God, I'm reading a 4-year-old comment about a podcast episode I've never even heard, and I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.

It's just 2 hours of him writing tweets like "What If Humans Are The Real Aliens."

I like how in the new trailer, Jeff Goldblum's character just comes right out and says "They like to hit the landmarks."

I still really like the green album. Probably because it came out when I was in high school and had *just* bought my first electric guitar - it was the perfect album for me to play along with at that skill level. I could come home from school, cue it up, and bang out the power chords and solos that copy the verse

And politics, it's all politics.

Wait, is Sean O'Neal back?

"Hey, set me down at that boat show."

Just reading about that Pickle-Ice made me want to vomit.


What you swattin' at?

Cudi's music was indeed dope, but I wasn't a fan of his version of the theme.

What would he need that for, dude?