
apparently none of you were actually in the AV Club, because the audio on this podcast is unbelievably quiet. you didn't do a good job!

Since when
is that an old saying? That closing line is more trite and lazy than anything this movie might accomplish.

my own stupid list
I love me some HIMYM, but that Britney Spears episode was easily the worst episode of that show ever. It seems like the writers purposely used a second-string clunker of a script since they knew the cameo was going to carry the episode anyway. It definitely belongs on this list, but you can't go

creative writing assignment
I'll agree that 86 was a watershed year for entertaining films, and while I don't agree with everything in here, I feel it's more important to note that this article feels like a long list that Tasha was forced into formatting into some kind of "article" or "column", but without any of the

maybe. or maybe it doesn't matter and it's just fun to watch a stranger on the internet get weirdly defensive. who knows! it's like a ghost story!

the shark that ate my friend
belongs in the movie references section. it's a line from The Life Aquatic. coincidentally, I kinda like the band.

skeleton crew
I read the jaunt in junior high, and thinking about it still creeps me out.

oh slap
I have to disagree pretty strongly with TV Club on this one. I thought this was the best episode of the season, and possibly one of the best ever. For me the shattering glass started out kind of weak, but won me over through the comedy of repetition. Also, grappling with the annoying habits of your loved ones

the most unexpectedly painful SNL
I don't think I've ever seen a host completely bomb the full 90 minutes with consistent stiffness, neverending cue-card stares, and a complete lack of comic timing like Robert DeNiro. Jonny Moseley was a better damn host.

a winner
More often than not, reading about the films in MYOF is enough, though in this case, much like with The Apple, I had to stop reading halfway through to add it to my Netflix queue.

not a candlestick microphone
I believe that the curling iron or the hairbrush are more commonly used for "vocals" in the sisterhood joy dance. Or maybe that was just The Big Chill.

weak hate.
I think you *do* understand the appeal of Daft Punk, you simply don't like them. It has nothing to do with "being there". It's just French house music meant for dancing, and if you don't care for the sounds of disco made by robots, then you just don't, regardless of the production values.

I'm conflicted
As much as I'd like to just throw unbridled hate at this show from the creators of Two & a Half Men, I'm nonetheless happy to see Derek & Simon's Simon Helberg getting some high-profile work, regardless of how hacky and broad it is. Bully for him, I says!

I thought
these comments were more interesting than the interview.

sterling serling
Crazy, I just watched Number Twelve Looks Just Like You last night. That episode is phenomenal.

just stupid enough to be real
I mean, there's a Bratz movie. When I was a child, I went and saw the Garbage Pail Kids Movie in theaters. I have my reservations about these films being up to that pedigree, but since when is crass brand exploitation a new thing to movies?

what a bunch of goddamn fucking nerds.