Roamsy III

The kiss didn't bother me in the least. I understand why everyone is upset about it, but even though I was in disbelief that the show went there, I totally see the emotional attraction between the two. How upset she was at Naz's mom, and tried to embrace her to comfort her…that is unprofessional as well. Any emotional

Agreed it's all about the characters and in essence is an improvisational and vulgar Seinfeld. But damn, the last two seasons were pretty on point, though I know some people just can't get past the repetitiveness/predictability of the format, more than understandable. However they never settled and brought it hard

Missing Armando. Found this episode to be the worst in a long time, despite the gem of Jonah's campaign. Too many half assed reveals that weren't really reveals at all, but IMO lazy choices on the parts of the writers. Mike however can do no wrong.

Holy bacon double aspergers!

Shattered for Garfield….amazing how everyone in her original crew got completely shat upon tonight, another subtle detail that feels like it rings true.

What this show hasn't done doesn't get enough credit. They haven't resorted to most apocalypse tropes, as in violence, dread, gore, survivor type dramas, or flashbacks. They've focused solely on the characters in their present states and just the absurdities between their weird characters. Phil (2) was maybe the most

In general, I don't understand why critics and some people prefer more drama in comedies so it makes them "care about the characters more." It actually makes me care about the show less because I watch comedies to laugh, and the drama has to serve that not the other way around. Not saying that character development is

Friggin A- just for the dance moves alone. Holy shit that was hot, now I see why he drives the ladies wild.

Ehhh, it was a fun episode. Proceedings like these can and are absurd. They took license with some of the jokes, especially with Jonah, but it's hard not to milk his character…. A is maybe too high, but this was just having fun with the cast and letting loose.

That's actually one of Richard's better ones

I wouldn't say "bad" either, but a little lazy for a Louie finale. Maybe it was more personal for Louie and he had something like this happen, or like you said just wanted to show how hard it is in the road. But then again, I come from a diy music background where touring and staying on people's floors is considered a

Trash can….even better

It did feel like that and the episode proves that it's not that interesting of an idea.

Feeling tired of Louie's formula of adversarial conversations ending in some comprimised understanding…on his show it's become too predictable of a tone. And in this case a comic had just humiliated and took a shit on his performance. Really he deserved a much more intense reaction and Louie's character was just

You're right, pure speculation. That's the great thing about her character, is it leaves you guessing. But they do spend a lot of time next to each other…

I think A+ is only reserved for when an episode shatters the perfection and makes a statement that transcends the current zeitgeist. This episode merely operates on a level of pure inner perfection, while not delivering a major dramatic impact.

Definitely speed or whatever it's pharmaceutically legal equivalent these days. I doubt she would do something that illegal.

Did anyone else think how silly and sad it was when he said "Uhhhh Teddy's been touching me" and think how far ahead they had to plan in order to give Patton such a creepy name.

I wholeheartedly agree. Pure, distilled, delicious Veep at its finest. With episodes like this it's hard to imagine how Armando's departing will not have a major impact. I love Kate's review though. Grade aside, her appreciation of Veep shines through and …well she's just a damn good writer. Some of the other

He had the gun to his head at the end or was that just my imagination? That takes some serious balls.