Roamsy III

Also, this may not make a difference to you, but Lenny was supposed to be played by someone else (unnamed) who cancelled at the last minute and screwed Louis over. Someone mentioned Rappaport and if it didn't work out he was going to dump this episode. But Rappaport was able to do it and just had a couple of days for

I don't care about grades, it's the review itself. I get that some don't like the episode, but there is a way to make a case for it. With a show this important, you would think we would have a competent reviewer. I feel bad, I've been railing on this guy the whole season. But his reviews for this show do not have any

Yeah I pretty much felt what is like to be around that type of person, but making him an NYPD cop is all the more frightening. Idk that there is a worst episode, but I can respect why someone didn't like this or his character. This shit almost felt like Michael Haneke or Bresson, not the easiest pills to swallow.

Please Brandon, if you don't like the show, review something else. These reviews are becoming more and more of a chore to read. At least have some appreciation for the nuances and boldness of this episode, even if you don't like them. You pretty much just recounted the story, with the least charitable and lazy

Ahhh, true I just thought those were written half assed, which I guess is like a college paper. If there was a better website I would go to it, but I haven't found one.

I like these shirts, but then a little voice inside my head said "don't wear slacks, shouldn't wear em with slacks"

Also a testament of the brilliant arrogance of Louis, mocking using funny voices, but using it well in his own sets.

Him missing how big a moment and triumph it is that she said I love you, is about as tragic as him missing the time she asked him to take a bath together. I am not sure sure he gets her as much as she gets him which is the bigger tragedy.

Also a very New York experience. My first adult trip to New York had me racing around
searching for a bathroom the first hour I was there and then pissing frantically on the corner of a library.

I think she likes him/loves him a lot more than she leads on. But is probably right that it would be ruined if they lived together. I mean she in a way moved back to be with him. He's a pretty good catch once u get past the bellyflab. When you see her in the audience looking around in disbelief that this guy who is

That's actually one of the things I found most hilarious about the sketch. Fuck everything, I have to shit! But when Jane starts sobbing, which reminded me of when Brad Pitt loses his shit at the end of Seven, I just lost it. Brad Pitt seeing Gwyneth's head in a box is the equivalent of Jane seeing Louie poop his

I could care less about the grade, although I did think this episode was brilliant and the opening monologue was one of his best, in the show or in his comedy which is a great feat. I was pissed more at the reviewer's attitude in assuming that this episode was directed at critics and for being pissed off about

He would be so lucky!

Idk, the reviews this season are annoying the poop out of me (so to speak….) Wtf does Last Year At Marienbad have to do with this show, this episode in particular? It was definitely reaching and feels like a bad college paper. Because they are both black and white? And the "A" almost feels like an apology for last

Ha, touché! A couple of ways I interpreted it was that

Has it been this guy the whole time, because I don't remember them being this bad. It was a buzzkill to have so much fun with an episode and then to read this review that missed the mark and was such a bad faith interpretation of this episode. Luckily, the comments did make up for it.

Especially such a dickish review.

I thought the same….unless he was getting turned on by her breakdown which explains why he was trying to leave before he tried something inappropriate.

Pandering? How about one of the most sophisticatedly structured joke dealing with his and his character's philosophy??? He is middle aged and fed up with the Internet age, information overload, and it's painful irony of disconnectivity so much so that even what would normally be a monumentous story just gets drowned

Those reactions by the first couple he was talking to were priceless…