
No mention of Observe and Report. I am upset.

No mention of Observe and Report. I am upset.


Wait, did Scott just quit or is this me being stupid?

Crying on the inside right now.

This is what the series has been building to. The countless moments where you think nothing is happening, while hints as to the fact that something greater is going on are so subtle that you wouldn't even think twice about them. It's the way in which Vince Gilligan so brilliantly crafts this series that makes it the

Oh Larry.

This show is gradually becoming one of my least favorite shows. I think I'll stop now.

Todd, I've read every single one of your reviews of Community this season and now consider you my friend. Would you mind if I called you Wolfy?

A movie which failed on many levels is the only way to really describe Super. It was an interesting take on the superhero genre for the first 25 minutes or so, but then eventually became this dark, surreal and extremely violent movie about nothing. It came off at first, as a character piece, yet it went through so

It worked!

Pretty bad but not too terrible…
I probably would have given it a C mainly because when Lester showed "the real Lester" I was cracking up and for that, it deserved higher than a D+. But other than that, I really do miss how the show used to be. This season seems as if it's going nowhere with no REAL villain. Half the

I cracked up
…for the most part. The action story wasn't written so well and Seth Rogen was playing Seth Rogen but I had a lot of fun watching it. I also expected a little more coming from Gondry but oh well

Funniest. Article.

It's not that bad, its just not that good either
I had a lot of fun with the first Tron, it was short, fun, cool to look at, and it had the Dude being the Dude. This time, not so much fun and more dialogue and drama that I didnt really care for. Still cool to look at, and fun for the first hour and a half, but then it

I've never seen an episode of Community so many times! I crack up every time Abed says "Be the first black man to make it out alive!" and the overuse of Abba had me cracking up too.

You make iCarly seem mildly interesting. I've seen the show and the laugh track is unbearable, its one thing when it actually doesnt bother you because the show is funny (Kenan & Kel) but when its used after literally almost EVERY sentence, it gets on my nerves. But then again, its a show for teenage girls, so

It wasn't Stiller it was Greenberg…
I couldnt stand his character not Stiller himself, because his acting was great it was Greenberg who was just such an unlikable prick. I know that was the point but I think that we are supposed to feel at least some sympathy for his character but I didnt at all! By the end of the

I dunno….
I wished he would come back because it's his voice that made Professor Impossible so funny. I think his assistant is a total asshole not Colbert, but then again, I've never met Colbert :/

Saw her in Machete
Judging by her most recent appearance in a "film" it seems like she wouldn't have to make much of a career change if she switched to porn.