
Just a hunch
I don't think Mr. Eggers approach of pricing a newspaper at $16 is going to be a viable business model.

One Word Capsule Summary of 2009 TV Highlights:

"Thus, I have read more books than men your mother's jacked-off."

irony or logic?
Least essential comments of 2009

Which Fanny?
So is it her American fanny that's cold, or her British fanny?

The Rock and Roll Hall of Obscurity—an idea whose time as come?

Chaplin not funny today? For my money, The Gold Rush still features the funniest entrance in film history. And I defy you not to laugh at loud during the high wire act of The Circus (gotta wonder if Charlie put peanut butter on his nose or something).

genre-hopping facility of Kurosawa
Yeah, well if Kurasawa is such a genre hopper, how come he never made any monster movies?

"Live" My Ass
"Live"? Half these people are dead and the other half are very elderly. How in the world do you expect them to perform anything "live"?

Ehh, what i don't like about them is you've got to turn the volume so far up just to hear anything they're saying, and then when you switch to TV or a regular movie the sound justs blasts you across the room. So be careful!

Suprised this got made into a movie at all
After all, Walter Kirn's book had the ill fortune to come out about a week before 9/11, after which no one wanted to read about accumulating frequent flyer miles. Ahh, time changes everything.

"Sticky Fingers" perfect? You guys must like "Sister Morphine," "I Got the Blues", "You Gotta Move," and the last half of "Can't You Hear Me Knockin" a lot more than I do. And "Wild Horses" is great, but its in that gallery of great songs that have been so overplayed that I just don't ever need to hear them again.

Thanks so much for the link. I sat and watched all 40 minutes of the 4 segments. Fascinating. They sure don't make talk shows like that anymore.

Journalism as Terrifying Entertainment
Want some terrifying entertainment for grownups? Read some of the best "boots on the ground" reportage from Iraq like "The Forever War" by Dexter Filkins or "The Good Soldiers" by David Finkel.