Cersei is just smart enough to recognize her problem, but not smart enough to get out of it.
Cersei is just smart enough to recognize her problem, but not smart enough to get out of it.
I think that what Varys wants is a strong, just, effective ruler. Kevan Lannister still hadn't really consolidated his kingdom, hadn't managed to dispose of Stannis, and still had guys like Roose Fucking Bolton running wild in the North. I think Varys thinks that having the Lannisters in charge of the status quo is…
I never thought I'd miss a hand so much!
I always imagine that all the TV cops and killers shows take place in the same universe, and then like to imagine what happens when the various teams collide.
@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus and @avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus : "Knocked Up" is sort of this weird reverse MPDG sort of thing, where Katherine Heigle convinces Seth Rogen to grow the fuck up and get his shit together, and he convinces her to at least enjoy something for once,…
Maintaining the ideal level of intoxication is the true challenge, and the likely result is that I'm only a pleasant, engaging, and fun person to be around for a maximum of 30 minutes. Once that window closes, not so much fun at parties anymore.
"Sometimes the guys are tapped out. But check your lease, man. Because you’re living on Fuck Planet!"
You can set a calendar by it, can't you?
Ye gods, I hated going to parties in college. Part of it was that a little bit of alcohol just makes me get even more introverted. Once I'm well and truly drunk, then I become more extroverted, and then after a bit more, I go back to being even more introverted. In short, it is not a terribly pleasant experience for…
Exactly. It's no different from that guy who goes on vacation with his family and spends it with his nose buried in a book that he could read at any time and in any other place. This is HIS vacation, and this is how HE relaxes. In case you haven't noticed, that guy is me. I'm lucky my wife also likes to keep it…
Yeah, I think the thing that makes him so deplorable is that he has those (for lack of a better word) humanizing characteristics that make him such an evil villain. We see all these times when he could choose to do something good, which makes all those evil choices that much more deplorable. We know he has it in him…
As a matter of fact, the Defiant does have a few Borg-specific adaptations. For one, the multiphasic phaser arrays are designed to change frequency at random on the fly to get around the Borg's ability to adapt to phaser frequencies. The ablative armor helps to block the Borg's hull-cutting tool. The small size allows…
"Call 1-800-RISA now for some hot, non-specific sex-type things!"
@Automocar:disqus Now I need to see this.
Not only that, you don't have to put everything else in your life on hold just to go to a holosuite…though you could if you really wanted to, I suppose.
"It was a fair challenge, and the other player should have had the foresight to get out of the way."
Oh most definitely. Why try to do something you are not equipped to handle?
Yeah, Trek's difficulty with sex is fairly well-known, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that as a syndicated show, it was often shown between 5 PM and 9 PM on broadcast networks. For instance, my local broadcasts were at 6 PM on Saturdays, which meant that there was a lot of pressure from the studio to keep…