Glory to you…
Glory to you…
"Way out west there was this fella… fella I wanna tell ya about. Fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least that was the handle his loving parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. Mr. Lebowski, he called himself "The Dude". Now, "Dude" - that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But…
I notice that the "You had ONE JOB!" meme is in strong effect this season!
There are a couple local meaderies near my house:
Sky River
Viking's Blod
Adytum Cellars.
Too much mead makes me sleepy, and it makes my wife super loopy. We could be in a strange children's book entitled "The Concussed Duckling and the Narcoleptic." It wouldn't necessarily be terribly interesting, but it would at least have a snazzy cover.
I am Lothar of the Hillpeople! Much have I seen, and much have I done, for I am Lothar of the Hillpeople!
Admit it, though: the sexiness that is Famke Janssen just felt weird in the context of TNG. In contrast, Dax in the 60's Starfleet getup is pretty much perfect.
Hell, it was sexier than anything in the entire seven-year run of TNG.
Also, it reminds me of my favorite scene from 13th Warrior:
Antonio Banderas is kind of pouting while the vikings are drinking buckets of mead, saying something about how the fruit of the vine is not to be consumed before battle or something or other, and then the lead viking goes "So? It's honey!" And suddenly Antonio…
Mead is one of those things that is deceptively simple in its ingredients, where even minute changes can have a drastic impact on the quality of the product. I kind of like it for that reason. And hell, even so-so mead is pretty good.
It also makes a great way to send off Stobias for his final column on the site.
I'm a fan of scotch-flavored scotch, m'self.
@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus I don't think it's just aerospace. It's also any software company, too.
On behalf of the other Niners, I wish to wish @avclub-d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820:disqus the following:
Mead is the best!
Yeah, the best part of the Macho Man mod for Skyrim is that not only do the dragons take on his form, but the draconic speech is all translated into macho-man-isms.
Oh man. That is the ultimate fighting move, evolved over years of hand-to-hand combat. Also known as the double-fisted hammer-strike.
Gowron has too much bloodwine and is now
Niner solidarity, bro.