
Bashir may not be able to think of anyone that hates Garak more than Gul Dukat, but he clearly isn't privy to all of the skulduggery in which he has engaged over the course of his espionage career. That said, I think Bashir's warning only served to arouse him. Cardassians have been shown to be aroused by general

Trippin' balls on creativity, RJS!

@avclub-0635aab06cd18b6b3f48dba92774c912:disqus Don't worry about it. Great minds, and all of that!

The problem with this approach is that torture advocates would simply try to find more means to make torture more effective, such as going to DARPA and having them invent something out on the fringes like using brain scans to determine veracity or something like that.

Thanks, @avclub-1e850f6bef0bc36ca1f64e95ff1cbd2e:disqus ! That's exactly it! By shifting focus from means to ends, torture critics have lost the moral heart of their argument and essentially accepted the premises of torture proponents' arguments. It's not that ends don't matter, but that if one is to pursue just ends,

Something has been bothering me about the debate over torture of late, and it is primarily this: the debate has shifted from torture's ethical ramifications to its efficacy. Rather than argue that torture brings us down to the level of those we claim to oppose, or that the act of torture has lasting dehumanizing

Maybe they need holographic lawyers. That would probably be the way to do it.

It's like a corollary to Clarke's law:
Any sufficiently advanced legal system is indistinguishable from anarchy.

A veterinarian friend of mine informed me that some of these are actually sheep. Doesn't make it any less hilarious, though.

In my defense, I was also a stupid teenager.

Yeah, I get all that. I just didn't get the feeling that this particular union had done much good for me, personally. And it's not to say that unions have never had a place in labor. I guess the main point is that any system can be abused by less-than-scrupulous people.

I was getting minimum wage. It wouldn't have been able to go lower.


When I was in high school and college, I worked at a grocery store. In order to work there, we had to join the union. While ostensibly there to protect the workers, it effectively lowered our wages because of Union dues. Meanwhile, I never really felt much in the way of protection from vengeful bosses and harsh

Check out banner, Wasner!

The question with Bean is never "Will he die" (of course he will), but will it be the result of him suddenly-but-inevitably betraying his allies, or will he just be unlucky?

Was I the only one who was reading palpable levels of hostility among the pre-game/halftime/power-outage guys? Dan Marino looked like he was going to murder Cowher each time Cowher opened his mouth, and Shannon Sharpe had the look of someone who wouldn't mind lending a helping hand in said endeavor.


@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus Uncomfortably so.

Seriously. Just go barefoot, Odo. Those shoes aren't worth it!