
Ye gods, but I've been in Odo's shoes. Those are bad shoes to be in, let me tell you. They don't even support insoles to make them more comfortable. It gets better, Odo. It gets better.

@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus It stands to reason.

You Obviously Love Owls.

"All I know is my gut says 'Maybe.'"

Yeah, Ph.D > MD. We research nerds have gotta' stick together.

@avclub-42174967e0d54eedf303a49717e020bb:disqus Y'know, it strikes me that if SHIELD/MI6/CIA/OSI or whoever really wanted to curb villainy, they would just keep a watchlist on that school's admissions department and then summarily execute anyone accepted into that program.

Keep in mind, there is no need to beam the waste anywhere at all. They simply dematerialize the waste, and then delete the stored transporter pattern. Problem solved.

Allow me to clarify. Pre-shaven, unbearded Brooks would not have been nearly as awesome as Dr. Hippocrates Noah, Ph.D. Incidentally, I would be curious as to where exactly he got a doctorate in supervillainy.

Oh most definitely. Brooks especially seems to really enjoy having an excuse to devour *all* the scenery, and for once, it's completely appropriate. I would posit, though, that this performance was only possible once he had shaven his head and grown the beard.

Good catch, @avclub-1dc0a8af2b0160bc4ac00e5e75482979:disqus ! I'll get that edited.

I remember when I watched the episode the first time as a kid, I got the impression that there was something in the Bat'leth itself that caused its wielder to get delusions of grandeur. I seem to remember that because it seemed like the moment they touched the sword, Worf's and Kor's personalities seemed to shift

Yeah, in Our Man Bashir, the holosuite works just fine, it's everything else that's broken, so they have to use it for that which it was not designed. The best part of it, though, is that we have Garak along to deconstruct all of Bashir's, and by extension, popular culture's fantasies about the life of a spy.

Ye Gods, but I love me some Homefront/Paradise Lost. They do a good job of illustrating just how many eggs have to be broken to make that grand omelette that is the Federation. The difference is that for once, those eggs are being broken on Earth instead of some distant planet. Our Man Bashir, on the other hand, is

Digging on that Errand of Mercy call-back, there!

God, but I love me some Doc/Jackson commentaries. I just find them rambling about their random obsessions to be immensely entertaining.

Given Quark's cultural background, it makes sense for him to have strains of misogyny in his reaction, though we all want for Bashir to be better than that.

In The Search, they were also dealing with the then-unknown tactics and capabilities of the Jem'Hadar. Once Sisko and company figure those out, they don't have much difficulty with the Jem'Hadar. In "Starship Down," they pretty much get sucker-punched by the Jem'Hadar, which can happen to even the most badass

It's probably all tribble-centric nightmares.

No Podmass? I've been going through withdrawal for the past two weeks!

He just wanted to share his holosuite adventure with the good doctor.