
Yeah, the moment I saw Windows 8 being used extensively in the IT department of a major corporation, I knew we were in for some silly shit. I was right on board with the whole thing up to that point. This is how much of a nerd I am.

Yeah, the moment I saw Windows 8 being used extensively in the IT department of a major corporation, I knew we were in for some silly shit. I was right on board with the whole thing up to that point. This is how much of a nerd I am.

It always cracked me up that the Federation could continue to exist with its enlightened, lax ways in a universe that contains both the Romulans and especially the Cardassians, as both of these are civilizations that seem to excel at wholesale duplicitous fuckery. One would need to have a clandestine service equally

It always cracked me up that the Federation could continue to exist with its enlightened, lax ways in a universe that contains both the Romulans and especially the Cardassians, as both of these are civilizations that seem to excel at wholesale duplicitous fuckery. One would need to have a clandestine service equally

The DS9 vs. Voyager rivalry seems to be something that is perpetuated by startrek.com, too. When they ran a poll about which series ought to be updated to Blu-Ray next, DS9 took an early lead. In response to this, ST.com posted to facebook that "Voyager is losing in a poll! Come save it!" or something to that effect,

The DS9 vs. Voyager rivalry seems to be something that is perpetuated by startrek.com, too. When they ran a poll about which series ought to be updated to Blu-Ray next, DS9 took an early lead. In response to this, ST.com posted to facebook that "Voyager is losing in a poll! Come save it!" or something to that effect,

I remember being super-stoked when I found out Worf would be on DS9, and this episode did not disappoint. When I watched it again years later, I was pleased to discover that my memories were not simply clouded by adolescent nostalgia, and this episode was just as awesome as I had remembered.

I remember being super-stoked when I found out Worf would be on DS9, and this episode did not disappoint. When I watched it again years later, I was pleased to discover that my memories were not simply clouded by adolescent nostalgia, and this episode was just as awesome as I had remembered.

It was during the sequence after they arrived in the new world and started tripping balls.

It was during the sequence after they arrived in the new world and started tripping balls.

It's like Conan if there was a scene where Conan started tripping balls on mead. This is not a movie where sense-making is required.

It's like Conan if there was a scene where Conan started tripping balls on mead. This is not a movie where sense-making is required.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus Technically, it's not just Thomas Riker etc., that fall into this category, but *everybody* who has ever used a transporter before, because transporters basically scan a person's "pattern," including all their dna, brain matter and such, and then destroy all of their

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus I've always theorized that one of the prerequisites to becoming a Starfleet captain is an advanced liberal arts degree. How else is a good captain going to be able to drop a literary bon mot in a time of crisis? The height of this is probably the final battle in Star

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus I've always theorized that one of the prerequisites to becoming a Starfleet captain is an advanced liberal arts degree. How else is a good captain going to be able to drop a literary bon mot in a time of crisis? The height of this is probably the final battle in Star

Grow the beard, shave the head, bring on the Klingons!

Grow the beard, shave the head, bring on the Klingons!

And what a warm body…