Also, he was keeping info (Val, idol) from his allies. If you're going to tow a dumb lug to the end, you have to be sure they're not going to try to play the game on their own.
Also, he was keeping info (Val, idol) from his allies. If you're going to tow a dumb lug to the end, you have to be sure they're not going to try to play the game on their own.
Yeah, Natalie's behavior was emotional. If I was thinking about allying with her, that would have dissuaded me.
For Josh, Jaclyn, and Baylor, it wasn't a bad move. Rocker was playing hard and keeping secrets from supposed ally Josh. And if they lose a couple more immunities, they can boot Dale, then Jaclyn or Alec (people who are two dumb to fight back).
Jaclyn was in on it. She even voted for Rocker. She was just too dumb to keep quiet at Tribal Council.
I'm surprised nobody has found the Hunaphu idol. Seems like seven symbols should be enough. Or maybe the editors are saving the footage for the future.
I agree that casting is part of the problem, but the fact is that being different in Survivor is a curse in 9 out of 10 situations. Coming from a different place, with different people and different attitudes than those held by your majority-white tribe will, more often than not, have a negative effect on your…
He didn't say there was a random draw. He just said "take a buff"
Remember that female cop on One World? The one that was voted out first?
It does have that Gabon feel where nobody is likable, editing is untrustworthy, strategy is confused, and idiots succeed despite their best efforts.
I think this is the start of a "petulant, whiny Baylor" edit.
I am also seriously worried for this season. Rocker finding the idol ensures that he'll be around too long. He clearly has no idea how to play (Two idols? really?). We saw a lot of couples drama tonight, but nothing in the way of competent strategy.
I'm not sure how his weird vote will play out. If he gets outed as having a side-alliance with Baylor, he could lose status with the Rocker crew.
As a gay guy, what happened to Josh is basically my worst Survivor nightmare.
I looked at other submissions and chose the one I judged to be least-picked. If she does well, I'll have less competition.
I'll take Josh, Jon, Nadiya, Kelley. Let's hope they do better than Alexis, Lindsey, Jeremiah, and LJ did.
Nobody wants to mention the Robin Hood-themed Holodeck episode in ST:TNG?
It's important to remember that when Samoa aired, we didn't immediately know exactly how a horrible person Russell was. In fact, I think most people were rooting for him to win at the end of that one.
I can't wait until CBS posts the Kass Ponderosa video.
It might have something to do with sleeping 6 hours a week. Speaking of which, I don't think severe sleep deprivation is something future castaways should emulate.
My DVR actually screwed up and missed Trish's question. Glad to know it went well.