
I think the show generally prefers narrators that are at the bottom of the pecking order, because they're the ones that see the possibilities for reversals. If you asked Trish what was happening, she's not going to give you anything compelling, because her ass isn't on the line.

This has got to be the most unpredictable season in a long time. I can't remember the last week where I could guess who was going home next.

Even if Kass is that terrible, the editors are certainly making a point to show the viewers her worst moments.

I think the way to avoid this week's rock-drawing challenge ridiculousness is to stage a challenge beforehand where contestants do something to earn their money. Then people have different amounts of money, and ties at $500 are not an issue.

"Big moves" require cooperation. If you're on the bottom, the only big moves you can make involve manipulating people on the top. And Spencer has facilitated that twice. So I think Spencer and Tasha deserve credit for this one.

If you look at the secret scenes and eliminated player interviews, the other players often remark that Tony never sleeps. I think his paranoia is driven by exhaustion/sleep deprivation.

Woo is the worst. He does nothing and his votes are dictated to him by someone who would inevitably beat him.

As a Spencer fan, I think you're on to something. I'll prepare to be outraged.

I had a great time, guys. Have me back when I'm proven wrong and I'll eat the appropriate amount of crow.

Jeremiah said in his RHAP interview that he's a fan and that he applied and auditioned as such.

I think Russell was responsible for spoiling a couple seasons, too. After Brandon's emotional collapse, I think the producers are ready to end that chapter in Survivor history.

Well, we can't assume he didn't do the legwork just because they didn't show it.

I don't think he has the self-control to keep it a secret for very long. I'm definitely on the "anyone but Tony" train in terms of who I'm rooting for, but I think the chances of them successfully flushing it are low. However, I also think he has a hard time surviving Final 4, assuming it can't be played then.

Please. Do. This.

Kass voted against Sarah because Sarah was rude to Kass.
Kass votes with Tony because Tony is nice to Kass.

-When a person's most interesting scene involved falling out of a tree and NOT being injured, that person is not "the best"

I agree that he's got a decent shot if he gets to the end, but I can't imagine anyone (excluding Woo) who would want to ally with him for the series of votes needed to get him there.

I'm a bit shocked that everyone thinks Tony can win by throwing out the Survivor playbook entirely. My theory is that he's gotten lucky so far, and that he'll get his comeuppance eventually. I think there's a reason that people don't make up lies from whole cloth. It's burned people before. It's worked for Tony

That's an excellent point. How *would* Kass know that?

I know Ami came back for Micronesia, but I'd love to see her back again.