Archie Oogley

I'm gonna leave this right here…..

Let's see. I walked out of Win Win to get a beer and a smoke because I hated it so much, I loved The Visitor as much as anything else I saw that year and I hated The Station Agent with the white-hot heat of 10,000 suns. Hopefully this will shove McCarthy even further down the list of directors whose films find

Hey hey, shit-talk Chris Kyle all you want but please do NOT link to that Guardian piece. Lindy West's a moron who can't boil water.

I would.  I love jellybeans!

I would.  I love jellybeans!

" the endearingly irritating mother of a geeky, middle-aged Jewish man"

" the endearingly irritating mother of a geeky, middle-aged Jewish man"

You know, I just re-read my post above, and the first sentence comes off harsher than I meant it to.  I think the KV quote in the article is perfectly fine, and there's never a bad time to wonder what Vonnegut would have said.

You know, I just re-read my post above, and the first sentence comes off harsher than I meant it to.  I think the KV quote in the article is perfectly fine, and there's never a bad time to wonder what Vonnegut would have said.

No, *this*is what the Vonnegut entry should read, not whatever it was that was copy-pasted from ol' Uncle Kurt's last unread book of essays:

No, *this*is what the Vonnegut entry should read, not whatever it was that was copy-pasted from ol' Uncle Kurt's last unread book of essays:







"Get off the planet?"

"Get off the planet?"

God, the Knockout Artist.  Back in the mid-90s I worked graveyard shift at a 24-hour bowling alley that had more violence and blood per square foot than any other place in the city.  I read a half-dozen Crews books during those late shifts, and the Knockout Artist made me feel that at least there was one person, on