Luis Guzman

Rev. Jack D. Ripper
The preacher father sounds hilarious. "My daughter had a profound sense of fatigue… A feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence."

Laura Flynn Boyle used to be reasonably attractive but then she has had some mediocre plastic surgery in the past few years and has duck lips now.

I don't understand your gimmick. Please provide a brief explanation.

It's just a convenient way to start the reader off in the same place as the main character: not knowing anything about the setting. In 28 Days Later, it seemed more central somehow (although that's just a vague impression I have; I have nothing to back that assertion up with). In Walking Dead, the fact that Rick was

Rapes for some. Miniature American flags for others!

I think doing a G2G on Mr. Moorcock would just lead to a long thread of joke comments without any insightful discussion.

Josh Brolin is also a pretty serious day trader.

Subpar subtitle
Why'd they change the subtitle? What was wrong with The Legend of Curly's Gold?