Fedora Dostoyevskaya

Only if he starts employing his wives in each lineup.

As recall, the liner notes has this scrawled as 'I/They don't have no function' suggesting that Pavement was a little self conscious of their indie association with SP/STP or that Malkmus swallowed a fly during the recording.
Also, my memory might be wrong and my eyesight is not up to reading the miniscule cassette

I loved that scene in Shaun! The best part is Shaun refused to let his buddy throw the "Stone Roses" album, even though it is "Second Coming"… LOL
so Stones Roses shit comeback album > Dire Straits.
Perhaps having Dalton listen to the Straits is another layer of his evil-ness.

the dvd also has commentary from real british cops. they spend too much time saying how well-researched the movie is. someone should have offered them a drink and let them laugh!

Two words for you: Stub and Hub

Listening to "White and Nerdy", my brother asked if I had the whole album. I said yeah, and it's pretty great. Turns out he thought we were listening to Chamillionaire.

earbox, TubeYourself "Meridian Arts Ensemble" for some swingin jazz versions of real Zappa

Built to Spill are mostly Portland based

Howie is that you?!?

Ho, there, yourself!
- Iñigo Montoya

Chalk it up to the producer, Andy Wallace. He makes any "heavy" music sound clear (not muddy). see also his work on many slayer albums, system of a down, dream theater, and Shudder to Think.I have listened to records only because he produced them, and they've been awesome.Not to belittle NAD, who i would have gone to

Loved loved and loved.
But also loved JSBX - the blues explosion was the two-guitar attack!

Their email announcing their reunion show last December stated that four of them were bass players. I guess they had to draw straws to see who would play other instruments.

Appropriately douchy rejoinder, Ted, I salute you.
I may venture to point out that Deus is masculine, as are most second declension nouns. Dea can be derived by feminizing the root but then you have some irregularity in the plural forms… it's been a long time since I took classics, though.
Put on your smoking jacket and

It was a weird moment when Mariah got catty after a contestant mentioned being an alumna of the Berklee College of Music. Mariah acted like she learned to sing "in the school of life" when her own mom was a classically-trained singer.
Also, despite Nicki being a "rapper" she herself attended the "Fame" performing arts

is "pretendending" pretentious make-believe?

it wahz his feyv'rit paht aftah pahking in hahvid skwair

The rushed and fortuitous chain of events that hint at the Mother-meeting made me the only person in America quoting Mighty Aphrodite

Kid: Pop-pop wants to use me as a cane… for a dancing number!
Mom: It sure beats being the top hat!

Kid: Pop-pop wants to use me as a cane… for a dancing number!
Mom: It sure beats being the top hat!