Hipster Crustacean

That bit from Lebowski with the penis drawing gets me every damn time. Just this dramatic buildup where it looks like The Dude is FINALLY going to discover something that advances the plot forward in some way and then nope, just some ridiculous visual gag that comes out of nowhere.

The woodchipper from Fargo.

Anyone who has an appreciation for Neutral Milk Hotel, Neil Young, and/or Elliott Smith is going to go up several points in my book.

I don't think they really busted the Mercury Fulminate myth. I always assumed Walt kinda threw it at the other side of the room (the camera angle is sort of misleading/disorienting) and it certainly had enough power to blow out the windows if the fulminated mercury had exploded near that wall, not in the center of the

Loved the mirror shot in the opening scene. Not even Walt can recognize the disfigured monster in the reflection, which is echoed at the end of the episode when Hank says he doesn't know who he is anymore.

Isn't "biggest cult band" a bit of an oxymoron?

"It could've used more guns." - Peter Travers

"Oh, Chef…this isn't about Halo after all."
*changes channel*

Well, he's gone from Creepy Sideburns Guy to Ambiguously Heroic Mumbler Who Also Has Sideburns within an episode. Good job, Mr. Linder! Keep pushing those snakes off the road.