Professor Martin Kemp

Games without frontiers…
War without tears!

I think a taste test based on Gatwick Airport's Immigration Detention Facility would be appropriate.

Little mummy's boy…
He wasn't very old
Though he was very small
He did what he was told

All together now….
"iiiiif yer mansion house need haunting just call….RENTAGHOST…."

Royal sucession trivia
Prince William is only second in line to the throne.

C'mon AV Club!
This was second page news in yesterday's Minneapolis Star Tribune. I come here for what's new, not snark on what you just read over your cornflakes this morning. .

Or you could just read 'Time Team' in DWM, I s'pose.

..um..'where'. Doctor Who reference. Even that's not really set in the future.

How is this news, The AV Club?
All British TV drama is bloody nostalgic period pieces! If it's not 'Downton Abbey' or 'Larkrise to Candleford' it's 'Foyles War', and if it's not 'Foyles War', or that one were Sally Sparrow looses her virginity that American bloke with the shit accent, it's 'The Red Riding Trilogy'.

I take it back. Casino Royale is pretty good.
You're right, though, it is as if Arnold's got nude photos of the Broccilli family which he's threatening to publish.
…and the songs!!? Jack Black and Alica Keys? effing Madonna on DAD? Sheryl Crow? My Bond soundtrack collection just became muy embarrassing…

Late to the party, but for the record…
All Bond up to when that shitty David Arnold took over.
All Carpenter up until ITMoM.

America is still the only country in the entire world were you can hear Rush and Jethro Tull on the radio. On the RADIO for god's sake! Jesus. And nobody thinks that that's either stupid or weird.

Journey of the Sorcerer. Douglas Adams was just an old MotR hippy at heart.

I was getting really excited about Rock Band 3 - Elvis Costello Edition.

Alan and Lynn's commentary for 'I'm Alan Partridge' (first series), rather less so. Staying in character for commentaries sounds fun and hilarious, but it's actually really hard.

Brass Eye commentary
The homeless alcoholics' commentary track for 'Drugs' is pretty awesome.

…and the Gamesmaster Golden Joystick goes to to pheeze!

The Girl Who…
…Smelled of Spam!

The Decembrists!
Stalin's Siberian prison camp's the best place for them. Moany folky nonsense.

I think you'll find that Russell Brand is not a cunt, but a twat.