Professor Martin Kemp

Been done, and been done better, back in 2001.

I suppose my point was, apart from wanting to mention 'The Vikings', is that 'The Wild Bunch' is, sad as it may be, the ultimate expression of the strength of male friendship, the strength and the inarticulate, hopeless, weakness. All these guys have left are their buddies, and if you can't stand by your mates at the

*jumps into wolf pit*

"If they move, kill 'em"
I took my wife to see "The Wild Bunch" when is was re-released in the '90s. Unsurprisingly she didn't like it very much, and to this day she has to leave the room when she hears Ernie laughing.

…how do they work?

Saw it on a plane, and it was great! Timothy Olyphant is this century's Bill Paxton…
Zahn's glasses gave it away pretty early on though.