
I just finished the first season, and I'm genuinely intrigued how the reviewer's opinion can go from this to (nearly) straight A grades in season 3.

This comment had me so confused until I remembered that entree is the American term for main course, for some reason. Just FYI, fellow non-Americans.

I haven't been watching this year, but from what little I've read about this season it seems like I'll be better off waiting until next year. If it bounces back like FNL S3, I can power through the second, and if it doesn't I got out at the best possible moment.

I was just going to write your first sentence almost exactly to the word. Definitely all-time top 5 for me.

I had a very different read on the Oleg scenes than apparently almost anyone else. I thought he was just telling Stan about the operation to mess with Tatiana's promotion and to have her stay in the Rezidentura. Now, after reading the review and the comments, I see that this would be kind of silly, but it's weird that

"the choice doesn’t seem like it’d be too hard unless the boyfriend was a jerk or her life after he died was way more awesome."

on a related note, it seems that I have an AV club account and a Disqus account and my browser randomly decides to log me in with one or the other, or will refuse to log in at all. What fun!

The cat incident happened in 1981 or 1982 and the murder in 2005. So, yeah, decades.

1) I don't see what the cat incident has to do with the murder investigation decades later. I don't know the circumstances, so it's hard to say whether that says anything about him as a person, especially after such a long time. Do you think that people who hurt animals at some point in their life should never again

I see. Well maybe spoiler discussion dies down a bit then, although it's probably hard to remember what came in which episode if you've already seen the whole thing.

Ok, thanks for the heads up. Too bad really, because I feel the need to let my anger out somewhere after watching all those Brendan interviews.

Can anyone tell me if the comments here are spoiler-free? I realize this is real life and that the answers are out there, and maybe I shouldn't expect to be "spoiled", but still. In the discussion of the first two episodes I saw something that seemed informed by developments from later in the series, and I'd rather

Black Emperor

Meh, that's probably the kind of connected cinematic universe stuff they'll start to pull now. I'm kinda okay with it if it just fleshes out some background etc, but if you'll need to watch the spin-offs to understand what's going on in the main trilogy then things are getting out of control. Let's hope it doesn't

No idea, it probably does to some degree. Still, if the broad strokes can't be gleaned from the movies (at least once the trilogy is complete), then they have failed.

Yes please!

Did they ever say how long Luke had been missing? Also I think the Rey thing will get an explanation (apart from her being a capable staff-fighter).

I hope they get a better grip on his look (and backstory) by Episode 8. Right now he is giving off too much of a Thanos vibe for my liking, including his CGI-ness

I assume they will be back? Honestly I'm fine with the lesser amount of screentime for some of the actors, as a trade-off for properly establishing Rey and Finn (and to a lesser degree Poe and Kylo) as the new central characters. But yeah, if this was all that we'll see of von Sydow or Christie than that would be a

The Force Stays Dormant: Screenings Cancelled After Local Man Tries Contacting Isis Sympathizers
Suspect claims he was "just trying to find these two guys from the internet", possibly radicalized on "Autonomous Violence Club" messageboard. Authorities report that investigations are underway.