
Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?
Art thou dead?

I liked it. It's a solid follow-up. I'm not sure what some people, including this reviewer, were expecting. Saying "they're doing their best to blatantly ape their heroes" is just downright stupid.

Fuck it
I'll do it!

Three cheers!
For the drugs that got her through the recording sessions!

Ready to rock?
Not yet.

All hail iPad
Submit t0 the iPad. Everything you have ever known has ended. Glory be to it.

The taste of this betrayal is bitter indeed. I shall never again watch a adult's vs. children quiz show.

Could be good
It might be fun to watch as Trump forces people off of their land and builds golf courses.

Informative dialogue
My favorite cliche is the scene with out of place informative dialogue. With our meathead hero getting the rundown of the case he is about to investigate and he stops the brainy scientist mid sentence:

James Taylor is not known for "rockin." This is a cop-out. "Pink Cadilliac" by Bruce Springsteen or "Eye of the Zombie" by John Fogerty.

A Real Zinger
"I'd rather just do my own thing and put together my own outfits."