Ivan Bezdomny

Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky.  An utterly loathsome cad, but whenever he's on the page it's impossible to stop reading.  (Well, at least for the first half of Anna Karenina — then he's outpaced as a love-to-hate character by Karenin.)

Man, this article and the AV Club are good.

P.S.:  Anyone who wants to see a really good movie about the 90s Yugoslav wars — which, never fear, has nary a trace of torture porn — should check out Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (Lepa sela lepo gore).  Mind you, that one's also got its problems with pro-Serb bias, but still, it's a fantastic, haunting movie (and

There's enough condescending missing-the-point going on here to make Armond White blush.  (In the comments, that is, not Scott's review — I don't think Scott was being at all condescending or smug, I just think he misread the film.)