
Don't forget to ask for orange reimbursement. I guarantee a couple of those oranges that fell on you butt got bruised during all the "shit-sliding," "carpet tripping." and "head-smashing."

When I was 19 I tried to get into a Fiery Furnaces show that was 21+. Matthew Friedberger saw me get turned away, and came over apologized, took a picture with me, and gave me some free merch. He was really nice. On second thought, he should have offered me his sister's hand in marriage. What a dick.

I can hear it, but I mostly just hear an awesome Apples in Stereo song.

Travellers in space and TIME.
A friend of mine said, "This is the best E.L.O. album since Discovery." That quote sums it up perfectly. It's a beautiful tribute to one of Robert Schneider's heroes in the form of a catchy, bright, almost-concept album.

Why the wait?
This came out on January 1st. Why'd you wait so long to review this?