nom nom nom

"I don't make monkeys, I just train them" would also have been acceptable.

Look Lance! The calla lilies are in bloom again.

Gaslight Anthem opening up for Alkaline Trio at the Congress in Chicago several years ago. I had heard nothing about them going in. Good times.

The books are fun, quick reads—good beach reading, as the kids say. Sookie is a more likeable character—sassy and funny—and the stories are entertaining without taking themselves too seriously. Nothing like the Twilight books, which think they are epic romances on par with Romeo & Juliet (seriously, one of the books

Great line: "I'm from the state of Texas. No disrespect, but your state has a deficient work ethic" or something along those lines. Snap!

Downtown Chicago was going crazy today for the Blackhawks parade. LOTS and LOTS of people in the streets. It made me afraid that the Joker would attack.

I'm also watching Angel all the way through for the first time, which has been a gaping hole in my otherwise completist Whedon fanddom. Though I did watch season 1 when it first aired, and I completely skipped over that this time around, to hopefully get to the good stuff faster. I find it hard to sit through multiple

The first one. The spine-breaking birth happens in the earlier half of the book, which I read for, uh, ironic reasons.

"The rat symbolizes obviousness!"

I'll trade with anyone who has a jacuzzi!

Worst wedding song: Pearl Jam "Better Man"

I have also always found it annoying how on Halloween episodes on TV shows, people end up wearing totally expensive, film wardrobe costumes. At least in season 1, they show Buffy renting her helpless maiden costume from a shop. But does anyone rent their Halloween party costume EVER in real life?
I always

I must have totally missed something, because I didn't get how Adele and Topher got exposed to the virus when they never left the Dollhouse headquarters. Fill me in, please?

The devil will always be Ray Wise.