
Stay away from teacups.

With the loss of Nick's powers, I can now confirm that Grimm is simply a mythical, less charming version of Chuck. You're welcome.

I just want more Mantzoukas all the time.

This episode featured some of the worst guest acting I've seen from this show. That final scene could've maybe worked if it hadn't been so amazingly over done. I'm not shitting on the actors, though - a director had to give them those instructions and then say "Ok, we got it."

Can we talk about how Barney's GNB reveal COMPLETELY changes his character for the entire series.

"I’m more than happy to watch the usual fantasy/supernatural police investigation unfold instead of watching more of Adalind rubbing bloody salve on her pregnant belly."


I cannot accept how accepting the governor's new group is of him.
What happens when he first shows up? Their leader and then his buddy both die. Excuses are made, of course, but not a single person of this suddenly large group is a little suspicious? He convinces them that they need to attack a prison "peacefully"

This was actually the first episode of this season I genuinely enjoyed watching.

Is Jesse Pinkman gonna have to choke a bitch, bitch?!

For Colin and Tom Hanks, the much better option would have been The Great Buck Howard with Malkovich.  Not only did Tom's company produce it, but they literally played father and son!

If they ever do a movie on the life of Teddy Roosevelt, there's only one man with balls big enough to fill that part.  Nick. Fucking. Offerman.

If they ever do a movie on the life of Teddy Roosevelt, there's only one man with balls big enough to fill that part.  Nick. Fucking. Offerman.

I loved the fart joke scene at the beginning because it was an allusion to the beginnings of ASOIAF books where we get a pov chapter from some random character rather than from one of the main players.

The problem I try to reconcile with this show is that I, and apparently many other commenters here, think and behave in a rational manner.  I've known many people who, even without a zombie apocalypse, behave in ways that seem completely irrational.  So when Carl won't shut the hell up or when Laurie responds the way